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Now showing items 9007-9026 of 42377
D ereduan euskaldundutako gazte nafarren hizkuntza erabilera, jarrerak eta identitateak: ikerketa proposamena
(2020-05-20)Nafarroako eremu mistoan D ereduan euskaldundutako gazteen euskararen ezagutza, erabilera, jarrerak eta identitateak aztertzeko ikerketa baten abiapuntua aurkeztu nahi da Gradu Amaierako lan honetan. Zehazki, parte hartzaileen ... -
D-Lappse: time-lapseak egiteko dolly bat automatizatzeko Android aplikazioa
(2015-10-15)Jakina da informatika oso gai zabala dela. Horregatik, oro har, sistema informatikoen garatzaileak sistemaren osagai bakan batzuetaz soilik arduratzen dira. Proiektu honek hardwarearen eta softwarearen munduak uztartzea ... -
D. José Miguel de Barandiaran, formador de investigadores
(Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1992)[ES] se pone de manifiesto la sencillez y humildad de Berandiarán, así como su valía como profesor, e investigador, y su influencia en todos los ambitos de estudio de la cultura de Euskal-Herria -
D. José Miguel de Barandiaran, universitario, criminólogo, humanista
(Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1992)[ES] se resaltan los valores positivos que caracterizan la vida de D. José Miguel de Barandiarán centrándose en diferentes facetas de su personalidad -
D. Julio Caro Baroja: intelectual independiente y científico veraz
(Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1996)[ES] Como homenaje a D. Julio Caro Baroja se comenta un encuentro que, con motivo de una tertulia en casa de D. Pio, sirve de muestra de su singular dimensión humana. Intelectual independiente e incorruptible, su principal ... -
D. Julio Caro Baroja: intelectual y humanista
(Instituto Vasco de Criminología, 1996)[ES] D. Julio Caro Baroja, etnógrafo, antropólogo, historiador, dibujante, fue in autor de gran fecundidad con más de 40 obras. Parte imprescindible de la vida cultural española, colaborador en investigaciones de todo el ... -
D5 dopamine receptors control glutamatergic AMPA transmission between the motor cortex and subthalamic nucleus
(Nature Publishing, 2018-06-11)Corticofugal fibers target the subthalamic nucleus (STN), a component nucleus of the basal ganglia, in addition to the striatum, their main input. The cortico-subthalamic, or hyperdirect, pathway, is thought to supplement ... -
Dabilen herria: musika mugimenduan
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2021)Testuak herri musikan ohikoa izan den musikarien mugimendua aztertzen du, soinuaren espazializazioa eta soinu iturri mugikorren erabileran zentratuz. Dantza eta musikarien arteko harremana ere kontutan hartzen da, ibiltzea ... -
Dabrafenib for cutaneous melanoma infiltrating the vitreous: regression of metastasis and occurrence of uveitis as a secondary effect
(Springer, 2017-07-25)Intraocular metastasis of cutaneous melanoma is extremely infrequent. This typically occurs in advanced metastatic disease and has a poor survival prognosis. The most frequent reported treatment is radiotherapy. BRAF ... -
Dadaismoa eta musika
(2022-03-07)Musikak, beste arte adierazpenekin batera, XX. Mendeko mugimendu dadaistan paper garrantzitsu bat jokatu zuen. Hala ere, honen inguruan gaur egun dugun informazioa nahiko eskasa da plano teorikoan, testu musikalen arloan ... -
Dafne, Perséfone y Filomela: Intervención didáctica sobre mitología griega en Educación Primaria desde una perspectiva de género y visual
(2022-01-18)[ES] Dado que la mitología griega es una base primordial de la cultura occidental, muchos mitos se han actualizado en forma de producciones artísticas, literarias, cinematográficas, incluso en objetos de consumo, llegando ... -
Daily scale wintertime sea surface temperature and IPC-Navidad variability in the southern Bay of Biscay from 1981 to 2010
(Copernicus Gesellschaft MBH, 2013)The combination of remotely sensed gappy Sea surface temperature (SST) images with the missing data filling DINEOF (data interpolating empirical orthogonal functions) technique, followed by a principal component analysis ... -
Dairy Product Consumption and Changes in Cognitive Performance: Two-Year Analysis of the PREDIMED-Plus Cohort
(Wiley, 2022-07)[EN] Scope Dairy consumption has been suggested to impact cognition; however, evidence is limited and inconsistent. This study aims to longitudinally assess the association between dairy consumption with cognitive changes ... -
Dal codice al monumento: l'epigrafia dell'Umanesimo e del Rinascimento
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012)... -
Dalitz analysis of D0 → K− π+ η decays at Belle
(American Physical Society, 2020-07-06)[EN] We present the results of the first Dalitz plot analysis of the decay D0 → K−πþη. The analysis is performed on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 953 fb−1 collected by the Belle detector at the ... -
DALMAU PALET, Pol, Press, Politics and National Identities in Catalonia. The Transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881–1931, The Canada Blanch and Sussex Academic Studies, Brighton, 2018, 280 pp.
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2019)... -
Damage identification in bridges combining deep learning and computational mechanic
(2022-12-02)[EN]Civil infrastructures, such as bridges, are critical assets for society and the economy. Many of them have already reached their expected life and withstand loadings that exceed the design specifications. Besides, ... -
Damage-responsive neuro-glial clusters coordinate the recruitment of dormant neural stem cells in Drosophila
(Elsevier, 2022-07)[EN] Recruitment of stem cells is crucial for tissue repair. Although stem cell niches can provide important signals, little is known about mechanisms that coordinate the engagement of disseminated stem cells across an ... -
Damping in ram based vertical lathes and portal machines
(Elsevier, 2022)Chatter vibrations originated by the machine structure are a major limitation for the productivity of ram based machines performing heavy duty operations. Consequently, the damping of the machine structure has a capital ... -
Dancing with wolves at Schöningen 13II-4
(Propylaem, 2021-06-12)The Schöningen 13II-4 site has produced a wealth of insight into the hunting and butchery activities of Middle Pleistocene hominins, highlighted by the famous Schöningen spears preserved with hundreds of cut-marked and ...