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dc.contributor.advisorGarcía-Alonso Montoya, Alejandro ORCIDes
dc.contributor.authorMoraza Erauskin, Xabieres
dc.contributor.otherF. INFORMATICAes
dc.contributor.otherINFORMATIKA F.
dc.description.abstractWithin the next few pages, I will try to give a wide description of the project that I have been doing for IK4-Ikerlan. For the last six months, I have been working in developing a socket-based application for Apple devices. These devices work under the iOS operative system, which is programmed in Objective-C, a language similar to C. Although I did not have the chance to develop this application for Apple TV, I was able to create an application for iPhone and another one for iPad. The only difference between both applications was the screen resolution, but we decided to make them separately, as it would be really hard to combine both resolutions, and wallpapers, everything in the same workspace. Finally, it is necessary to add that the main goal was not to create a new application for iOS, but to translate an Android application into iOS. To achieve this, it is required to translate Java code into Objective- C, which is the language used to develop applications for all kinds of Apple devices. Fortunately, there is a tool created by Google, which helped us with this exercise. This tool is called j2ObjC, and it is still being developed.
dc.titleReuse of software components orientated to iOS mobile deviceses
dc.contributor.degreeIngeniería técnica en Informática de sistemas ;;Sistemen Informatikan Ingeniaritza Teknikoaes

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