Now showing items 4915-4934 of 10984

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      How is communication of vaccines in traditional media: a systematic review 

      Catalán Matamoros, Daniel Jesús; Peñafiel Saiz, Carmen ORCID (SAGE on behalf of the Royal Society for Public Health, 2018-06-07)
      Aim: Taking into account that a key determinant in public approval of vaccinations is how the media constructs and frames messages about vaccination programmes, our aim is to review communication studies exploring media ...
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      How Is Rheology Involved in 3D Printing of Phase-Separated PVC-Acrylate Copolymers Obtained by Free Radical Polymerization 

      Peñas Núñez, Mario Iván; Calafel Martínez, Miren Itxaso ORCID; Hernández Aguirresarobe, Roberto; Tierno, Manuel; Conde, José Ignacio; Pascual, Belén; Santamaría Ibarburu, Pedro Antonio
      New auto-plasticised copolymers of poly(vinyl chloride)-r-(acrylate) and polyvinylchloride, obtained by radical polymerization, are investigated to analyse their capacity to be processed by 3D printing. The specific ...
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      How is silicic acid transported in plants? 

      Exley, Christopher; Guerriero, Gea; López Pestaña, José Javier (Springer, 2020-11)
      Plants accumulate silicon in their tissues as amorphous silica. The form of silicon taken up by plants is silicic acid, a neutral molecule that passes through membrane channels with water. After seminal work on rice ...
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      How Reliable Are Modern Density Functional Approximations to Simulate Vibrational Spectroscopies? 

      Sitkiewicz, Sebastian P.; Zalesny, Robert; Ramos Córdoba, Eloy; Luis, Josep M.; Matito Gras, Eduard (American Chemical Society, 2022-06-30)
      We show that properties of molecules with low-frequency modes calculated with density functional approximations (DFAs) suffer from spurious oscillations along the nuclear displacement coordinate due to numerical integration ...
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      How reliable are online speech intelligibility studies with known listener cohorts? 

      Cooke, Martin; García Lecumberri, María Luisa ORCID (AIP, 2021-08-25)
      Although the use of nontraditional settings for speech perception experiments is growing, there have been few controlled comparisons of online and laboratory modalities in the context of speech intelligibility. The current ...
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      How Sleep Affects Recovery and Performance in Basketball: A Systematic Review 

      Ochoa Lácar, Javier; Singh, Meeta; Bird, Stephen P.; Charest, Jonathan; Huygue, Thomas; Calleja González, Julio María ORCID (MDPI, 2022-11-18)
      Background: Sleep is considered an essential component related to physiological and psychological recovery in athletes and particularly in basketball, given the impact of condensed travel and game schedules on player health ...
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      How symmetry factors cause potential- and facet-dependent pathway shifts during CO2 reduction to CH4 on Cu electrodes 

      Rendón-Calle, Alejandra; Low, Qi Hang; Hong, Samantha Hui Lee; Builes, Santiago; Yeo, Boon Siang; Calle Vallejo, Federico (Elsevier, 2020-12-28)
      The deactivation of copper electrodes is a serious problem that can affect the scalability and deployment of CO2 electrolyzers. The effect is generally attributed to the cathodic deposition of Fe and Zn impurities from the ...
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      How the presence of O2 and NOx influences the alternate cycles of CO2 adsorption and hydrogenation to CH4 on Ru-Na-Ca/Al2O3 dual function material 

      Bermejo López, Alejandro; Pereda Ayo, Beñat; Onrubia Calvo, Jon Ander; González Marcos, José Antonio; González Velasco, Juan Ramón (Elsevier, 2023-01)
      The Integrated Carbon Capture and Utilization-Methanation (ICCU-Methanation) requires a Dual Function Material (DFM), which firsts captures CO2 and then converts it into CH4, working in alternating adsorption and hydrogenation ...
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      How to Inactivate Human Ubiquitin E3 Ligases by Mutation 

      García Bárcena, Cristina ORCID; Osinalde Moraleja, Nerea ORCID; Ramírez Sánchez, Juan Manuel ORCID; Mayor Martínez, Ugo ORCID (Frontiers Media, 2020-02-04)
      E3 ubiquitin ligases are the ultimate enzymes involved in the transfer of ubiquitin to substrate proteins, a process that determines the fate of the modified protein. Numerous diseases are caused by defects in the ...
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      How to Survive Identity Management in the Industry 4.0 Era 

      Astorga Burgo, Jasone ORCID; Barceló, Marc; Urbieta Aizpurua, Aitor; Jacob, Eduardo (IEEE, 2021-07-06)
      Industry 4.0 heavily builds on massive deployment of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices to monitor every aspect of the manufacturing processes. Since the data gathered by these devices impact the output of critical ...
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      HPC Platform for Railway Safety-Critical Functionalities Based on Artificial Intelligence 

      Labayen Esnaola, Mikel; Medina, Laura; Eizaguirre, Fernando; Flich, José; Aginako Bengoa, Naiara (MDPI, 2023-08-07)
      The automation of railroad operations is a rapidly growing industry. In 2023, a new European standard for the automated Grade of Automation (GoA) 2 over European Train Control System (ETCS) driving is anticipated. Meanwhile, ...
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      HPLC–(Q)-TOF-MS-Based Study of Plasma Metabolic Profile Differences Associated with Age in Pediatric Population Using an Animal Model 

      Albóniga Díez, Oihane Elena ORCID; González Mendia, Oscar ORCID; Blanco, María Encarnación; ALONSO ROJAS, ROSA M. ORCID (MDPI, 2022-08-11)
      [EN] A deep knowledge about the biological development of children is essential for appropriate drug administration and dosage in pediatrics. In this sense, the best approximation to study organ maturation is the analysis ...
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      HS-SPME-GC/MS Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Trihalomethanes, Geosmin, and 2-Methylisoborneol in Water Samples 

      Pardina Aizpitarte, Diego; Santamaría, Asier; Alonso Alonso, María Luz ORCID; Bartolomé Moro, Luis Javier; Alonso Rojas, Rosa María ORCID; Maña Iglesias, Jon Ander; Bilbao, Elisabeth; Lombraña Alonso, José Ignacio ORCID; Bartolomé, Mikel; Hernando, Luis M. (MDPI, 2023-01-21)
      Drinking water treatment plants (DWTP) use chlorination as an oxidation stage in the first step of the processes used to eliminate the natural organic matter (NOM) responsible for the formation of 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) ...
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      Human ATG3 binding to lipid bilayers: role of lipid geometry, and electric charge 

      Hervás Hidalgo, Javier ORCID; Landajuela Larma, Ane; Antón Helas, Zuriñe; Shnyrova Zhadan, Anna ORCID; Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID; Alonso Izquierdo, Alicia ORCID (Nature Publishing, 2017-11-15)
      Specific protein-lipid interactions lead to a gradual recruitment of AuTophaGy-related (ATG) proteins to the nascent membrane during autophagosome (AP) formation. ATG3, a key protein in the movement of LC3 towards the ...
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      Human DenPulp Stem Cells Grown in Neurogenic Media Differentiate Into Endothelial Cells and Promote Neovasculogenesis in the Mouse Brain 

      Luzuriaga González, Jon ORCID; Pastor Alonso, Oier; Encinas Pérez, Juan Manuel; Unda Rodríguez, Fernando José ORCID; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Gaskon ORCID; Pineda Martí, José Ramón ORCID (Frontiers Media, 2019-03-28)
      Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) have the capacity to give rise to cells with neuronal-like phenotypes, suggesting their use in brain cell therapies. In the present work, we wanted to address the phenotypic fate of adult ...
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      Human Early Life Exposome (HELIX) study: a European population-based exposome cohort 

      Maitre, Léa; De Bont, Jeroen; Casas, Maribel; Robinson, Oliver; Aasvang, Gunn Marit; Agier, Lydiane; Andrušaitytė, Sandra; Ballester, Ferrán; Basagaña, Xavier; Borrás, Eva; Brochot, Céline; Bustamante, Mariona; Carracedo, Angel; De Castro, Montserrat; Dedele, Audrius; De Castro, Montserrat; Dedele, Audrius; Donaire González, David; Estivill, Xavier; Evandt, Jorunn; Fossati, Serena; Giorgis Allemand, Lise; Granum, Berit; Grazuleviciene, Regina; Gützkow, Kristine Bjerve; Småstuen Haug, Line; Hernández Ferrer, Carles; Heude, Barbara; Ibarluzea Maurolagoitia, Jesús María; Julvez, Jordi; Karachaliou, Marianna; Keun, Hector C; Hjertager Krog, Norun; Lau, Chung-Ho E.; Leventakou, Vasiliki; Lyon Caen, Sarah; Manzano, Cyntia; Mason, Dan; McEachan, Rosemary; Meltzer, Helle Margrete; Petraviciene, Inga; Quentin, Joane; Roumeliotaki, Theano; Sabido, Eduard; Saulnier, Pierre-Jean; Siskos, Alexandros P; Siroux, Valérie; Sunyer, Jordi; Tamayo, Ibon; Urquiza, Jose; Vafeiadi, Marina; Van Gent, Diana; Vives Usano, Marta; Waiblinger, Dagmar; Warembourg, Charline; Chatzi, Leda; Coen, Muireann; Van den Hazel, Peter; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.; Slama, Rémy; Thomsen, Cathrine; Wright, John; Vrijheid, Martine (BMJ, 2018-09)
      Purpose Essential to exposome research is the collection of data on many environmental exposures from different domains in the same subjects. The aim of the Human Early Life Exposome (HELIX) study was to measure and describe ...
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      Human Endogenous Retrovirus HERV-Fc1 Association with Multiple Sclerosis Susceptibility: A Meta-Analysis 

      De la Hera, Belén; Varadé, Jezabel; García-Montojo, Marta; Alcina, Antonio; Fedetz, María; Alloza Moral, Iraide; Astobiza Pérez, Janire; Leyva, Laura; Fernández, Óscar; Izquierdo, Guillermo; Rodríguez-Antigüedad Zarranz, Alfredo; Arroyo, Rafael; Álvarez-Lafuente, Roberto; Vandenbroeck, Koen; Matesanz, Fuencisla; Urcelay, Elena (Public Library Science, 2014-03-03)
      Background: Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are repetitive sequences derived from ancestral germ-line infections by exogenous retroviruses and different HERV families have been integrated in the genome. HERV-Fc1 in ...
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      Human Hair Follicle-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from the Lower Dermal Sheath as a Competitive Alternative for Immunomodulation 

      Hernaez Estrada, Beatriz; González Pujana, Ainhoa; Cuevas, Andoni; Izeta Permisán, Ander ORCID; Spiller, Kara L.; Igartua Olaechea, Manuela ORCID; Santos Vizcaíno, Edorta ORCID; Hernández Martín, Rosa María ORCID (MDPI, 2022-01-24)
      Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have unique immunomodulatory capacities. We investigated hair follicle-derived MSCs (HF-MSCs) from the dermal sheath, which are advantageous as an alternative source because of their ...
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      Human IgMhiCD300a+ B cells are circulating marginal zone memory B cells that respond to pneumococcal polysaccharides and their frequency is decreased in people living with HIV 

      Zenarruzabeitia Belaustegui, Olatz; Vitallé Andrade, Joana; Merino Pérez, Aitana; Terrén Martínez, Iñigo; Orrantia Robles, Ane; Pacho de Lucas, Arantza; Iribarren Loyarte, José Antonio; García Fraile, Lucio; Balsalobre, Luz; Amo Herrero, Laura; De Andrés, Belén; Borrego Rabasco, Francisco (MDPI, 2023-09-06)
      CD300a is differentially expressed among B cell subsets, although its expression on IgM+ B cells is not well known. We have identified a B cell subset expressing CD300a and high levels of IgM (IgMhiCD300a+). Results showed ...
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      Human LDL Structural Diversity Studied by IR Spectroscopy 

      Fernández Higuero, José Ángel; Salvador, Ana M.; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; González Milicua, José Carlos; Rodríguez Arrondo, José Luis (Public Library Science, 2014-03-18)
      Lipoproteins are responsible for cholesterol traffic in humans. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) delivers cholesterol from liver to peripheral tissues. A misleading delivery can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. ...