Now showing items 4991-5010 of 10998

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      “I can't escape!”: Avoidantly attached individuals' conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction before and during the COVID-19 lockdown 

      Bretaña Alberdi, Ione; Alonso Arbiol, Itziar; Kittel, Kristel; Ubillos Landa, Silvia (Wiley, 2023-06)
      Increased time spent together and the lockdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic may have created new scenarios for marital conflict. We analyzed how home confinement affects avoidantly attached individuals': (a) ...
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      "I'm on it 24/7 at the moment" : A qualitative examination of multi-screen viewing behaviours among UK 10-11 year olds 

      Jago, Russell; Sebire, Simon J.; Gorely, Trish; Hoyos Cillero, Itziar; Biddle, Stuart J.H. (BioMed Central, 2011-08-03)
      Background: Screen-viewing has been associated with increased body mass, increased risk of metabolic syndrome and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents. There is a shortage of information about the ...
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      IBERLID: A lead isotope database and tool for metal provenance and ore deposits research 

      García de Madinabeitia Martínez de Lizarduy, Sonia ORCID; Gil Ibarguchi, José Ignacio; Santos Zalduegui, José Francisco (Elsevier, 2021-10)
      [EN] Although sometimes controversial, the use of Pb isotope data in geological research of ore deposits and metal provenance studies in archaeology has proved a useful tool for investigation of the relations between ore ...
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      Ibero-American Consensus on Low- and No-Calorie Sweeteners: Safety, Nutritional Aspects and Benefits in Food and Beverages 

      Serra Majem, Lluís; Raposo, Antonio; Aranceta Bartrina, Javier; Varela Moreiras, Gregorio; Logue, Caomhan; Laviada, Hugo; Socolovsky, Susana; Pérez Rodrigo, Carmen ORCID; Aldrete Velasco, Jorge Antonio; Meneses Sierra, Eduardo; López García, Rebeca; Ortiz Andrellucchi, Adriana; Gómez Candela, Carmen; Abreu, Rodrigo; Alexanderson, Erick; Alvarez Alvarez, Rolando; Alvarez Falcón, Ana Luisa; Anadón, Arturo; Bellisle, France; Beristain Navarrete, Ina; Blasco Redondo, Raquel; Bochicchio, Tommaso; Camolas, José; Cardini, Fernando G.; Carocho, Marcio; Costa, Maria do Ceu; Drewnowski, Adam; Duran, Samuel; Faundes, Victor; Fernández Condori, Roxana; García Luna, Pedro P.; Garnica, Juan Carlos; González Gross, Marcela; La Vecchia, Carlo; Leis, Rosaura; López Sobaler, Ana María; Madero, Miguel Agustin; Marcos, Ascensión; Ramírez, Luis Alfonso Mariscal; Martyn, Danika M.; Mistura, Lorenza; Moreno Rojas, Rafael; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Niño Cruz, José Antonio; Oliveira, María Beatriz P. P.; Palacios Gil-Antuñano, Nieves; Pérez Castells, Lucía; Ribas Barba, Lourdes; Rincón Pedrero, Rodolfo; Riobó, Pilar; Rivera Medina, Juan; Tinoco de Faria, Catarina; Valdés Ramos, Roxana; Vasco, Elsa; Wac, Sandra N.; Wakida, Guillermo; Wanden-Berghe, Carmina; Xóchihua Díaz, Luis; Zúñiga Guajardo, Sergio; Pyrogiann, Vasiliki; Cunha Velho de Sousa, Sérgio (MDPI, 2018-06-25)
      International scientific experts in food, nutrition, dietetics, endocrinology, physical activity, paediatrics, nursing, toxicology and public health met in Lisbon on 2-4 July 2017 to develop a Consensus on the use of low- ...
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      Ibilgailu elektrikoaren inbertsore trifasikoa: betiereko ezezaguna 

      Aretxabaleta Astoreka, Iker; Robles Pérez, Endika ORCID; Andreu Larrañaga, Jon ORCID; Fernández Zubizarreta, Markel ORCID; Matallana Fernandez, Asier ORCID (Elhuyar, 2024-03-14)
      Ibilgailu elektrikoen mundu zirraragarrian, non bateriei eta motorrei buruz maiz hitz egiten baita, atzeko plano batean geratzen da potentzia-inbertsorea askotan, funtsezko eragilea izan arren. Normalean, elementu hori ...
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      Ibilgailu elektrikoaren joera: 2030a helburu 

      Aretxabaleta Astoreka, Iker; Robles Pérez, Endika ORCID; Fernández Zubizarreta, Markel ORCID; Martínez de Alegría Mancisidor, Iñigo ORCID; Andreu Larrañaga, Jon ORCID (Elhuyar, 2021)
      Geroz eta ibilgailu elektriko gehiago ikusten ditugu kaleetan eta telebistako iragarkietan. Baina zenbat itxaron behar dugu ibilgailu elektriko bat erosteko? Errentagarriak dira? Merezi dute? Asko dira ibilgailu elektrikoaren ...
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      ICCS 2017 Workshop on Agent-Based Simulations, Adaptive Algorithms and Solvers 

      Byrski, A.; Paszyński, M.; Schaefer, R.; Calo, V.; Pardo Zubiaur, David ORCID (Elsevier, 2017)
      This workshop seeks to integrate results from different domains of computer science, computational science, and mathematics. We welcome simulation papers, either hard simulations using finite element or finite difference ...
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      ICGE: an R package for detecting relevant clusters and atypical units in gene expression 

      Irigoyen Garbizu, Itziar; Sierra Araujo, Basilio ORCID; Arenas Solá, Concepción (BioMed Central, 2012-02)
      Background: Gene expression technologies have opened up new ways to diagnose and treat cancer and other diseases. Clustering algorithms are a useful approach with which to analyze genome expression data. They attempt to ...
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      Ichneutai y Áyax de Sófocles. Evidencias de una relación intencional 

      Encinas Reguero, María del Carmen (Università degli Studi di Pavia, 2018)
      The similarity between Ajax and Ichneutai has led to suppose that these two plays were part of one and the same tetralogy. Although it can not be probed, this paper goes more deeply into the relationship that, without any ...
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      Ichnotaxonomic Review of Large Ornithopod Dinosaur Tracks: Temporal and Geographic Implications 

      Díaz Martínez, Ignacio; Pereda Suberbiola, Xabier; Pérez Lorente, Félix; Canudo, José Ignacio (Public Library Science, 2015-02-12)
      Background Large ornithopod tracks are known from the Upper Jurassic to the uppermost Cretaceous rocks of all continents but Antarctica. They include the tracks historically called Iguanodon footprints, iguanodontid ...
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      Iconic Architecture as a Catalyst for Wine Tourism: A Case Study of Marqués de Riscal. 

      Plaza Inchausti, María Beatriz ORCID; Esteban Galarza, María Soledad ORCID; Aranburu Amiano, Ibon ORCID; Johny, Jensy (Sciendo (De Gruyter), 2024-04-02)
      This article explores the intersection between Frank Gehry's iconic Hotel Marqués de Riscal (MdR) and the Marques de Riscal winery, investigating their causal relationship with the surge in wine tourism. Using Google Trends ...
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      ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile:PolycipiviridaeIngrida 

      Olendraite, Ingrida; Brown, Katherine; Valles, Steven M.; Firth, Andrew E.; Chen, Yanping; Guerín Aguilar, Diego Marcelo A. ORCID; Hashimoto, Yoshifumi; Herrero, Salvador; Rodrigues de Miranda, Joachim; Ryabov, Eugene; ICTV Report Consortium (Microbiology Society, 2019-04)
      Polycipiviridae is a family of picorna-like viruses with non-segmented, linear, positive-sense RNA genomes of approximately 10-12 kb. Unusually for viruses within the order Picornavirales, their genomes are polycistronic, ...
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      Idatzizko albisteen ikusentzunezkotzea. "Wall Street Journal", "New York Times", "El Pais", "Ara", "El Correo", "Berria", "Argia" eta "Goiena" aztergai 

      Deogracias Horrillo, Marijo (UEU, 2015-10)
      Komunikabideak, oro har, jakitun dira online bidezko bideo-kontsumoa etengabe hazten ari dela. Eta idatzizko komunikabideek ere ekin diote albisteen ikus-entzuteko prozesuari. Hori bakarrik ez, bideo propioen ekoizpenean ...
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      Ideafix: a decision tree-based method for the refinement of variants in FFPE DNA sequencing data 

      Tellaetxe Abete, Maitena; Calvo Molinos, Borja ORCID; Lawrie, Charles (Oxford University Press, 2021-12)
      [EN]Increasingly, treatment decisions for cancer patients are being made from next-generation sequencing results generated from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) biopsies. However, this material is prone to ...
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      Ideal and Predictable Hit Ratio for Matrix Transposition in Data Caches 

      Pedro Zapater, Alba; Rodríguez Lafuente, Clemente; Segarra, Juan; Gran Tejero, Rubén; Viñals-Yúfera, Víctor (MDPI, 2020-02-03)
      Matrix transposition is a fundamental operation, but it may present a very low and hardly predictable data cache hit ratio for large matrices. Safe (worst-case) hit ratio predictability is required in real-time systems. ...
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      Ideas de los estudiantes universitarios sobre las relaciones trabajo y energía en Mecánica en cursos introductorios de Física 

      Gutiérrez Berraondo, José; Zuza Elosegi, Kristina; Zavala, Genaro; Guisasola Aranzabal, Genaro (Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, 2018)
      Las relaciones entre trabajo y energía continúan siendo fuentes de problemas de enseñanza/aprendizaje en los cursos introductorios de física a nivel universitario, ya que implican conceptos abstractos y habilidades de ...
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      Las ideas lingüísticas de Juan Mateo Zabala: El verbo regular vascongado del dialecto vizcaíno (1848) 

      Gómez López, Ricardo ORCID (Eusko Ikaskuntza - Sociedad de Estudios Vascos, 2008)
      [ES] La obra gramatical de Zabala (1848) sólo ha merecido la atención de los vascólogos desde la dialectología (Zuazo 1988) y por su contribución al surgimiento del dialecto vizcaíno literario (Urgell 2001) o del hipervizcaíno ...
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      Ideas y opiniones del educador de museos en relación a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación 

      Correa Gorospe, José Miguel ORCID; Losada Iglesias, Daniel ORCID; Jiménez Aberasturi Apraiz, Estibaliz ORCID (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2012)
      [ES] Analizamos en este artículo las ideas y opiniones de los educadores de museos sobre las ventajas e inconvenientes de la integración y uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación en los museos y ...
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      Identifcation of Loci Associated with Susceptibility to Bovine Paratuberculosis and with the Dysregulation of the MECOM, eEF1A2, and U1 Spliceosomal RNA Expression 

      Canive Ruiz, María; Fernández Jiménez, Nora ORCID; Casais, Rosa; Vázquez, Patricia; Lavín, José L.; Bilbao Catalá, José Ramón ORCID; Blanco Vázquez, Cristina; Garrido Urkullu, Joseba M.; Juste Jordán, Ramón A.; Alonso‑Hearn, Marta (Springer Nature, 2021-01-11)
      Although genome-wide association studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the susceptibility to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection, only a few functional ...
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      Identificación de atracciones urbanas centrales mediante seguimiento GPS y análisis de redes 

      Aranburu Amiano, Ibon ORCID; Plaza Inchausti, María Beatriz ORCID; Esteban Galarza, María Soledad ORCID (Asociación Española de Geografía, 2020-02-10)
      [ES]Este estudio presenta una metodología aplicable en la identificación de atracciones turísticas centrales en entornos urbanos mediante el uso combinado de datos GPS y análisis de redes de atracciones visitadas por los ...