Now showing items 21-40 of 267

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      AcetylacetonateBODIPY−biscyclometalated Iridium(III) complexes: effective strategy towards smarte fluorescentphotosensitizer agents 

      Palao, Eduardo; Sola Llano, Rebeca; Tabero, Andrea; Manzano Moro, Hegoi ORCID; Agarrabeitia, Antonia R.; Villanueva, Angeles; López Arbeloa, Iñigo María; Martínez Martínez, Virginia ORCID; Ortiz, María J. (Wiley-VCH GmbH, Weinheim, 2017-05-19)
      Biscyclometalated Ir(III) complexes involving BODIPYbased ancillary ligands, where the BODIPY unit is grafted to different chelating cores (acetylacetonate for Ir-1 and Ir-2, and bipyridine for Ir-3) by the BODIPY meso ...
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      Advanced-Retarded Differential Equations in Quantum Photonic Systems 

      Álvarez Rodríguez, Unai; Pérez Leija, Armando; Egusquiza Egusquiza, Iñigo Luis; Gräfe, Markus; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Szameit, Alexander; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2017-02-23)
      We propose the realization of photonic circuits whose dynamics is governed by advanced-retarded differential equations. Beyond their mathematical interest, these photonic configurations enable the implementation of quantum ...
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      Aging Effect of Catechol Redox Polymer Nanoparticles for Hybrid Supercapacitors 

      Gallastegui, Antonela; Camara, Ousmane; Minudri, Daniela; Goujon, Nicolas; Patil, Nagaraj; Ruiperez Cillán, Fernando; Marcilla, Rebeca; Mecerreyes Molero, David (Wiley, 2022-09)
      [EN] Redox-polymer nanoparticles are a promising solution to avoid the detrimental dissolution of organic electrode materials while showing discrete redox processes. In this work, catechol-based redox-active polymer ...
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      An easy and simple method for the immobilization of dyes through click reactions: activated alkyne, copper not needed 

      Sánchez Bodón, Julia; García García, Ane; Díaz Galbarriatu, Maria; Vilas Vilela, José Luis ORCID; Moreno Benitez, María Isabel (RSC, 2024)
      The copper-free azide–alkyne click reaction has shown to be a successful alternative to immobilize covalently a fluorescente compound onto poly(-L-lactic) acid (PLLA) surfaces. Proceded by basic hydrolysis and amidation ...
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      An Experimental Investigation of Ultraweak Photon Emission from Adult Murine Neural Stem Cells 

      Esmaeilpour, Tahereh; Fereydouni, Esmaeil; Dehghani, Farzaneh; Bókkon, Istvan; Panjehshahin, Mohammad-Reza; Császár-Nagy, Noemi; Ranjbar, Mehdi; Salari, Vahid (Nature, 2020-01-16)
      Neurons like other living cells may have ultraweak photon emission (UPE) during neuronal activity. This study is aimed to evaluate UPE from neural stem cells (NSC) during their serial passaging and differentiation. We also ...
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      An Innovative Approach for the Generation of Species of the Interstellar Medium 

      Kolesniková, Lucie; León Ona, Iker; Alonso Alonso, Elena Rita; Mata, Santiago; Alonso, Jose Luis (Wiley, 2021-11-08)
      [EN]The large amount of unstable species in the realm of interstellar chemistry drives an urgent need to develop efficient methods for the in situ generations of molecules that enable their spectroscopic characterizations. ...
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      Analog simulator of integro-differential equations with classical memristors 

      Alvarado Barrios, Gabriel Darío; Retamal, Juan Carlos; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID (Nature Publishing, 2019-09-10)
      An analog computer makes use of continuously changeable quantities of a system, such as its electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic properties, to solve a given problem. While these devices are usually computationally more ...
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      Analysis of Local and Global Aromaticity in Si3C5 and Si4C8 Clusters. Aromatic Species Containing Planar Tetracoordinate Carbon 

      Torres Vega, Juan J.; Alcoba, Diego R.; Oña, Ofelia B.; Vásquez Espinal, Alejandro; Báez Grez, Rodrigo; Laín Pérez, Luis; Torre García, Alicia; García, Víctor; Tiznado, William (MDPI, 2021-09-25)
      The minimum energy structures of the Si3C5 and Si4C8 clusters are planar and contain planar tetracoordinate carbons (ptCs). These species have been classified, qualitatively, as global (π) and local (σ) aromatics according ...
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      Analysis of the influence of microencapsulated phase change materials on the behavior of a new generation of thermo-regulating shape memory polyurethane fibers 

      Laza Terroba, José Manuel; Veloso Fernández, Antonio; Sánchez Bodón, Julia; Martín, Ane; Goitandia, Amaia M.; Monteserín Vilela, Cristina; Mendibil, Xabier; Vidal García, Karmele; Lambarri, Jon; Aranzabe Basterrechea, Estíbaliz; Blanco Miguel, Miren; Vilas Vilela, José Luis ORCID (Elsevier, 2022-12)
      The present work is a first approach in order to achieve thermo-sensitive and waterproof polyurethane fibers useful in the textile industry. For this, two polyurethane formulations with glass transition temperatures (Tg) ...
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      Anthocyanin-Loaded Polymers as Promising Nature-Based, Responsive, and Bioactive Materials 

      Rosales Murillo, Silvia Soledad; Sánchez Bodón, Julia; Hernández Olmos, Saira Lizette; Ibarra Vázquez, M.F.; Guerrero Ramírez, Luis Guillermo; Pérez Álvarez, Leyre; Vilas Vilela, José Luis ORCID (MDPI, 2024-01-04)
      Anthocyanins are a specific group of molecules found in nature that have recently received increasing attention due to their interesting biological and colorimetric properties that have been successfully applied in several ...
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      Antibacterial Coatings for Improving the Performance of Biomaterials 

      Andrade del Olmo, Jon; Ruiz Rubio, Leire; Pérez Álvarez, Leyre; Sáez Martínez, Virginia; Vilas Vilela, José Luis ORCID (MDPI, 2020-02-04)
      Biomedical devices have become essential in the health care. Every day, an enormous number of these devices are used or implanted in humans. In this context, the bacterial contamination that could be developed in implanted ...
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      Approximate Quantum Adders With Genetic Algorithms: An IBM Quantum Experience 

      Li, Rui; Álvarez Rodríguez, Unai; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (De Gruyter Open, 2017-07)
      It has been proven that quantum adders are forbidden by the laws of quantum mechanics. We analyze theoretical proposals for the implementation of approximate quantum adders and optimize them by means of genetic algorithms, ...
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      Artificial Life in Quantum Technologies 

      Álvarez Rodríguez, Unai; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing, 2016-02-08)
      We develop a quantum information protocol that models the biological behaviours of individuals living in a natural selection scenario. The artificially engineered evolution of the quantum living units shows the fundamental ...
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      Aspartame and Its Microhydrated Aggregates Revealed by Laser Spectroscopy: Water–Sweetener Interactions in the Gas Phase 

      Pinillos, Paul; Camiruaga Leza, Ander; Torres Hernández, Fernando; Çarçabal, Pierre; Usabiaga Gutiérrez, Imanol; Fernández González, José Andrés ORCID; Martínez Ruiz, Rodrigo (ACS, 2024-08)
      The popular sweetener, aspartame, is an agonist of the tongue’s sweet taste receptor. How water molecules affect its conformation or which aspartame atoms are more prone to interact with solvent are helpful questions to ...
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      Basic protocols in quantum reinforcement learning with superconducting circuits 

      Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID (Nature Publishing, 2017-05-09)
      Superconducting circuit technologies have recently achieved quantum protocols involving closed feedback loops. Quantum artificial intelligence and quantum machine learning are emerging fields inside quantum technologies ...
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      Beyond the Light-Cone Propagation of Relativistic Wavefunctions: Numerical Results 

      Gutiérrez de la Cal, Xabier; Matzkin, Alex (MDPI, 2023-02-06)
      It is known that relativistic wavefunctions formally propagate beyond the light cone when the propagator is limited to the positive energy sector. By construction, this is the case for solutions of the Salpeter (or ...
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      Bi-Frequency Illumination: A Quantum-Enhanced Protocol 

      Casariego, Mateo; Omar, Yasser; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID (Wiley, 2022)
      Quantum-enhanced, idler-free sensing protocol to measure the response of a target object to the frequency of a probe in a noisy and lossy scenario is proposed. In this protocol, a target with frequency-dependent reflectivity ...
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      Bio-based hybrid nanocomposites as multifunctional sustainable materials for stone conservation 

      Irizar Merino, Pablo; Pintor Rial, Ainara; Martínez Arkarazo, Irantzu; Olazabal Dueñas, María Ángeles; Ruiz Rubio, Leire; Cardiano, Paola; Gómez Laserna, Olivia (Elsevier, 2023-08-23)
      This study was aimed at developing a sustainable versatile bio-based epoxy-silica material to be potentially employed as hydrophobic and biocidal consolidating product in the field of stone conservation. For this purpose, ...
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      Bioactive Coatings on Titanium: A Review on Hydroxylation, Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) and Surface Modification Strategies 

      Sánchez Bodón, Julia; Andrade del Olmo, Jon; Alonso, Jose María; Moreno Benítez, María Isabel ORCID; Vilas Vilela, José Luis ORCID; Pérez Álvarez, Leyre (MDPI, 2021-12-31)
      Titanium (Ti) and its alloys have been demonstrated over the last decades to play an important role as inert materials in the field of orthopedic and dental implants. Nevertheless, with the widespread use of Ti, ...
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      Biomimetic Cloning of Quantum Observables 

      Álvarez Rodríguez, Unai; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2014-05-09)
      We propose a bio-inspired sequential quantum protocol for the cloning and preservation of the statistics associated to quantum observables of a given system. It combines the cloning of a set of commuting observables, ...