Now showing items 1144-1163 of 11002

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      Arantxa Urretabizkaiaren narrazio lanetako amatasunak: genero arteko harreman berrien paradigma 

      Lasarte Leonet, Gema ORCID (Euskaltzaindia, 2012)
      [EUS] Artikulu honen bidez, Arantxa Urretabizkaiak amatasuna bere narratiban nola jorratu duen agerian jarri nahi da. Horrela, Zergatik panpox (1979), Koaderno gorria (1998) eta Hiru Mariak (2010) eleberrietako, eta Aspaldian ...
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      Arboreal Tradition and Subversion: An Ecocritical Reading of Shakespeare’s Portrayal of Trees, Woods and Forests 

      Cossio, Andoni ORCID; Simonson, Martin (Lodz University Press, 2020-06)
      This paper analyses from an ecocritical standpoint the role of trees, woods and forests and their symbolism in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, A Midsummer Night’s ...
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      Archaeological chert artifacts from Atapuerca sites (Burgos, Spain): characterization, causes of decay and selection of compatible consolidating products 

      Zornoza-Indart, Ainara ORCID; López Arce, Paula; López Polín, Lucía (Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal (ARP), 2021-02-10)
      Chert tools from Galería and Gran Dolina Caves, located in the Sierra de Atapuerca site complex (Burgos, Spain), were characterized (macro-visual inspection, mineralogical phases, degree of crystallinity, soluble salts, ...
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      Archaeometric evidence for the earliest exploitation of lignite from the bronze age Eastern Mediterranean 

      Buckley, Stephen; Power, Robert C.; Andreadaki Vlazaki, Maria; Akar, Murat; Becher, Julia; Belser, Matthias; Cafisso, Sara; Eisenmann, Stefanie; Fletcher, Joann; Francken, Michael; Hallager, Birgitta; Harvati, Katerina; Ingman, Tara; Kataki, Efthymia; Maran, Joseph; Martin, Mario A.S.; McGeorge, Photini J. P.; Milevski, Ianir; Papadimitriou, Alkestis; Protopapadaki, Eftychia; Salazar García, Domingo Carlos ORCID; Schmidt-Schultz, Tyede; Schuenemann, Verena J.; Shafiq, Rula; Stuijts, Ingelise; Yegorov, Dmitry; Yener, K. Aslιhan; Schultz, Michael; Spiteri, Cynthianne; Stockhammer, Philipp W. (Nature Research, 2021-12-17)
      [EN] This paper presents the earliest evidence for the exploitation of lignite (brown coal) in Europe and sheds new light on the use of combustion fuel sources in the 2nd millennium BCE Eastern Mediterranean. We applied ...
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      Architecture for Smart Buildings Based on Fuzzy Logic and the OpenFog Standard 

      Martín Toral, Imanol; Calvo Gordillo, Isidro; Xenakis, Jani; Artetxe Lázaro, Eneko ORCID; Barambones Caramazana, Oscar ORCID (MDPI, 2023-12-05)
      The combination of Artificial Intelligence and IoT technologies, the so-called AIoT, is expected to contribute to the sustainability of public and private buildings, particularly in terms of energy management, indoor ...
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      Arcobacter butzleri Biofilms: Insights into the Genes Beneath Their Formation 

      Salazar Sánchez, Adrián; Baztarrika Uria, Itsaso; Alonso Monsalve, Rodrigo; Fernández Astorga, Aurora ORCID; Martínez Ballesteros, Ilargi ORCID; Martínez Malax-Echevarría, Irati ORCID (MDPI, 2022)
      Arcobacter butzleri, the most prevalent species of the genus, has the demonstrated ability to adhere to various surfaces through biofilm production. The biofilm formation capability has been related to the expression of ...
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      Are Catholics a nation? The problem of defining nationalism 

      Hernández Aguirresarobe, Asier (Wiley, 2023-04)
      For all their interest as social phenomena, nations and nationalism have proven to be difficult terms to define, which has resulted in a lack of consensus among scholars working on these subjects. In this paper, it is my ...
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      Are CLIL texts too complicated? A computational analysis of their linguistic characteristics 

      Aguirregoitia Martínez, Amaia; Bengoetxea Kortazar, Kepa Xabier; González Dios, Itziar ORCID (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020-10-27)
      This article presents a comparative study of the linguistic characteristics of some materials used to teach English as a foreign language, and Geography and History through English in a Content and Language Integrated ...
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      Are environmental risk factors for current wheeze in the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) phase three due to reverse causation? 

      ISAAC Phase Three Study Group; González Díaz, Carlos; Pérez-Yarza Pérez-Irezabal, Gorka ORCID (Wiley, 2019-04)
      Background: Phase Three of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) measured the global prevalence of symptoms of asthma in children. We undertook comprehensive analyses addressing risk factors ...
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      Are ionic liquids effective curing agents for preparing epoxy adhesives? 

      Orduña Velasco, Lidia; Razquin Martín, Iker ORCID; Aramburu Ocáriz, Nora ORCID; Guerrica Echevarría Estanga, Gonzalo María ORCID (Elsevier, 2023-07)
      This work compares for the first time the efficacy of using different ionic liquids (ILs) as epoxy hardeners in epoxy-based adhesives. Several phosphonium and imidazolium-based ionic liquids were tested as epoxy hardeners, ...
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      Are miRNA-103, miRNA-107 and miRNA-122 Involved in the Prevention of Liver Steatosis Induced by Resveratrol? 

      Gracia Jadraque, Ana; Fernández Quintela, Alfredo ORCID; Miranda Gómez, Jonatan ORCID; Eseberri Barace, Itziar ORCID; González, Marcela; Portillo Baquedano, María Puy ORCID (MDPI, 2017-04)
      The aim of the present study was to determine whether the reduction in liver fat previously observed in our laboratory in a cohort of rats which had been fed an obesogenic diet was mediated by changes in the expression of ...
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      Are pine-oak mixed stands in Mediterranean mountains more resilient to drought than their monospecific counterparts? 

      Muñoz-Gálvez, Francisco J.; Herrero Méndez, Asier; Pérez-Corona, M. Esther; Andivia, Enrique (Elsevier, 2021-3-15)
      Climate change projections point to an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme drought events with important negative impacts on forest functioning. Predicting these impacts constitutes a crucial challenge for ...
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      Are the statistical tests the best way to deal with the biomarker selection problem? 

      Urkullu Villanueva, Ari; Pérez, Aritz ORCID; Calvo Molinos, Borja ORCID (Springer, 2022-06)
      Statistical tests are a powerful set of tools when applied correctly, but unfortunately the extended misuse of them has caused great concern. Among many other applications, they are used in the detection of biomarkers so ...
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      Areas of interest and sentiment analysis towards second generation antipsychotics, lithium and mood stabilizing anticonvulsants: Unsupervised analysis using Twitter 

      Chart Pascual, Juan Pablo; Montero Torres, María; Ortega, Miguel Ángel; Mar Barrutia, Lorea; Zorrilla Martínez, Iñaki; Álvarez Mon, Melchor; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID; Álvarez Mon, Miguel Ángel (Elsevier, 2024-04)
      Background Severe mental disorders like Schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders (SRD) or Bipolar Disorder (BD) require pharmacological treatment for relapse prevention and quality of life improvement. Yet, treatment ...
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      Argentina (1976-1983): impacto y afrontamiento psicosocial 

      Arnoso Martínez, Maitane; Arnoso Martínez, Ainara; Pérez, Pau (Ponficia Universidad Javeriana, 2015-07)
      [ES]El presente estudio explora el impacto que tuvo la violencia represiva de la última dictadura militar argentina en una muestra de familiares de personas detenidas desaparecidas (n=30) y de personas que sobrevivieron ...
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      La argumentación 

      García Azkoaga, Inés María ORCID (Sociedad de Estudios Vascos, Eusko Ikaskuntza, 1999)
      [ES] Reseña bibliográfica de la obra La argumentación, traducción de la edición francesa: L´Argumentation, de Christian Plantin en la que el autor ofrece una panorámica de cuál ha sido la evolución de las principales ...
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      Aristóteles, «Poética» 1454a 24, y la tragedia del siglo IV 

      Quijada Sagredo, Milagros ORCID (Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad del País Vasco / Aintzinate-Zientzien Institutua, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 1994)
      [ES] La cualidad de "semejantes", el requisito que Aristóteles señala han de poseer los personajes de la tragedia en «Poét.» 1454a 24, ha recibido fundamentalmente dos interpretaciones distintas. Una, la que supone que tal ...
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      Las armas en Persas de Esquilo 

      Encinas Reguero, María del Carmen (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2023)
      Persas de Esquilo dibuja una clara oposición entre persas y griegos en función del arma que los caracteriza, el arco y la lanza respectivamente. Esas armas implican formas de combatir distintas y, además, se asocian a ...
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      Armed Conflict, Psychosocial Impact and Reparation in Colombia: Women’s Voice 

      Arnoso Martínez, Maitane; Cárdenas Castro, Manuel; Beristain, Carlos; Afonso, Carla (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2017)
      The armed conflict in Colombia has gone on for fifty years and produced numerous victims. Women make up a collective that has been especially affected and made invisible by the violence. Based on 935 interviews of Colombian ...
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      La armonía según Bach (la armonía de los corales) 

      Solores, Idoia (Musicalis, 2008)
      El presente documento ofrece una aproximación al análisis de la armonía de los corales a partir de las funciones básicas del bajo, lo que nos da una visión estructural de la armonización, así como de la conducción de las ...