Now showing items 1412-1431 of 10990

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      Las bases materiales del poder de los Parientes Mayores guipuzcoanos: los molinos. Formas de apropiación y explotación, rentas y enfrentamientos en torno a la titularidad y derechos de uso (ss. XIV a XVI) 

      Díaz de Durana Ortiz de Urbina, José Ramón ORCID (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), 1997)
      [ES] El trabajo aborda el estudio de los molinos en Guipúzcoa desde la óptica de las fuentes de renta de los Parientes Mayores de ese territorio. En primer lugar se ocupa brevemente de las características técnicas de esos ...
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      Bases para un estudio del campaniforme en el País Vasco 

      Alday Ruiz, Alfonso ORCID (Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad del País Vasco / Aintzinate-Zientzien Institutua, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 1988)
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      Bases para una correcta ordenación del espacio periurbano: proyecto Sudoe 

      Alberdi Collantes, Juan Cruz ORCID (Instituto Geográfico Vasco "Andrés de Urdaneta" (INGEBA), 2012)
      [ES] El programa de cooperación transnacional del Suroeste Europeo aporta la oportunidad de contrastar la situación que atraviesan los espacios periurbanos de cuatro áreas metropolitanas y plantear toda una serie de ...
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      Basic protocols in quantum reinforcement learning with superconducting circuits 

      Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID (Nature Publishing, 2017-05-09)
      Superconducting circuit technologies have recently achieved quantum protocols involving closed feedback loops. Quantum artificial intelligence and quantum machine learning are emerging fields inside quantum technologies ...
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      Baskisch = Hispanisch oder = Gallisch? 

      Michelena, Luis (Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad del País Vasco / Aintzinate-Zientzien Institutua, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 1986)
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      Basoa Euskal Herriko historian zehar 

      Aragón Ruano, Álvaro ORCID (Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, 1999)
      [EUS]Antzinako errejimenean basoa bizitzaren bizigunea zen.Garai honetan jarduera gehienak basoaren inguruan kokatzen ziren: gizakumeen elikadura, abereen janaria, ehiza,etxeko sua, ikatzaren industria,eraikinak, nekazaritza, ...
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      BASP1 labels neural stem cells in the neurogenic niches of mammalian brain 

      Manganas, Louis N.; Durá, Irene; Osenberg, Sivan; Semerci, Faith; Tosun, Mehmet; Mishra, Rachana; Parkitny, Luke; Encinas Pérez, Juan Manuel; Maletic Savatic, Mirjana (Springer Nature, 2021-03-10)
      The mechanisms responsible for determining neural stem cell fate are numerous and complex. To begin to identify the specific components involved in these processes, we generated several mouse neural stem cell (NSC) antibodies ...
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      Basque Adaptation of the Reduced Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS-R) 

      Olarza Goikoetxea, Amaiur; Soroa Martínez, Goretti; Aritzeta Galán, Aitor ORCID; Mindeguía Petrirena, Rosa (2023)
      Objectives Mindfulness consists of paying attention to the present moment with curiosity, acceptance and non-judgment. Although several instruments exist for evaluating mindfulness in adults, few have been adapted for ...
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      Basque ethnic identity and collective empowerment: Two key factors in well-being and community participation 

      Zabala Arando, Jon; Conejero López, Susana; Pascual Jimeno, Aitziber; Alonso Arbiol, Itziar; Amutio Careaga, Alberto; Torres Gómez de Cádiz Aguilera, Bárbara Clara; Padoan Ribeiro de Luca, Sonia Geni; Telletxea Artzamendi, Saioa (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      Social identity is a factor that is associated with well-being and community participation. Some studies have shown that ethnic identity goes along with empowerment, and that interaction between the two leads to greater ...
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      Basque impersonals in comparison 

      Fernández Fernández, Beatriz; Berro Urrizelki, Ane (De Gruyter Mouton, 2022)
      The Basque impersonal is a detransitivized construction that resembles middles, passives and impersonals. In this construction, the thematic object is the grammatical subject, which bears absolutive case and triggers ...
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      Basque informal talk increasingly restricted to men: The role of gender in the form of address hika 

      Bereziartua Etxeberria, Garbiñe; Muguruza Aseguinolaza, Beñat (DEWS Publication, 2021-03)
      Many languages make a T/V distinction when addressing an interlocutor, and Basque also has two main levels of formality: zuka (formal) and hika (informal). The peculiarity of the Basque informal form of address hika is ...
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      Basque inshore skippers' long term behaviour: a logit approach 

      Del Valle Erquiaga, Miren Ikerne ORCID; Astorkitza Ikazuriaga, Kepa Andoni; Astorquiza Icazuriaga, María Inmaculada ORCID (EDP Sciences, 2008)
      Based on the discrete optimal choice theory and a random utility model (RUM) framework, this paper focuses on the firm's long-term choices.A behavioural study on the stay and exit decisions of the fishing firms belonging ...
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      Basque legacy in the New World: on the surnames of Latin American presidents 

      Salaberri Zaratiegi, Patxi; Salaberri Izko, Iker (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011)
      [EN] In this article we explain the etymology of the surnames of Basque origin that some presidents of Latin American countries have or have had in the past. These family names were created in the language called Euskara, ...
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      Basque question particles. Implications for a syntax of discourse particles 

      Trotzke, Andreas; Monforte del Valle, Sergio ORCID (John Benjamins, 2019)
      In this paper, we focus on the syntax of question particles in Basque and provide an account that draws new parallels between the syntactic behavior of discourse particles in Basque and some recent findings that have been ...
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      Basque translation in the structure of Basque literary historiographies 

      Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren (UAB, 2017)
      In this paper, our source for the study of the representations of translation has been historiographies of Basque literature. There have been several reasons for this choice: firstly, in this type of work other works tend ...
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      Bats Actively Track and Prey on Grape Pest Populations 

      Baroja Ibañez de Maeztu, Unai; Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID; Vallejo López, Nerea; Aiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID; Rebelo, Hugo; Goiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-07)
      There is growing evidence about the role of insectivorous bats against agricultural pests in various crops. Nevertheless, little research addressed the aggregational and functional responses of bat assemblages to changes ...
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      Bats from different foraging guilds prey upon the pine processionary moth 

      Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID; Aiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID; Goiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID; Arrizabalaga Escudero, Aitor; Nogueras, Jesús; Ibáñez, Carlos (PeerJ, 2019-03-08)
      Outbreaks of the processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffer-mailer, 1775), a forest pest from the Palearctic, are thought to induce a behavioral response of bats, but up to now the moth has been seldom ...
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      Battery Charge Control in Solar Photovoltaic Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic and Jellyfish Optimization Algorithm 

      Ahmed Ali Agoub, Ramadan; Hançerlioğullari, Aybaba; Rahebi, Javad; López Guede, José Manuel ORCID (MDPI, 2023-10-18)
      The study focuses on the integration of a fuzzy logic-based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system, an optimized proportional Integral-based voltage controller, and the Jellyfish Optimization Algorithm into a solar PV ...
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      Battery life of cardiac implantable electronic devices explanted in funeral homes: a potential resource for underserved nations 

      Lorenzo Ruiz, Iñigo ORCID; Arrizabalaga Arostegi, Haritz; Fernández Atucha, Ainhoa (Taylor & Francis, 2022-09)
      ABSTRACT Introduction Cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) could still have adequate battery life and functionality when they are explanted after the death of the carrier, supposing an important resource for ...
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      Battery Sizing Optimization in Power Smoothing Applications 

      Zulueta, Asier; Ispas-Gil, Decebal Aitor; Zulueta Guerrero, Ekaitz; Garcia-Ortega, Joseba; Fernández Gámiz, Unai (MDPI, 2022-01-19)
      The main objective of this work was to determine the worth of installing an electrical battery in order to reduce peak power consumption. The importance of this question resides in the expensive terms of energy bills when ...