Artikuluak;;Artículos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 5-8 of 12808
Learning physics from wrong preconceptions through daily-life related experiments
(IATED, 2018-03-05)We report on the impact of performing simple experiments on the learning process of first year students enrolled in the Physics degree, Electronic Engineering degree, Mathematics degree and Double degree in Physics and ... -
Walnut shells as cellulose nanocrystal source: isolation procedure and properties characterization
(Springer Nature, 2024)The walnut shell is an agro-waste that could be used as nanocellulose source. In the literature, different methods were used to isolate nanocrystals and depending on the method used, spherical or rod like nanocrystals were ... -
The crystalline quartz-rich raw material from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): why is it called quartzite when it should be called quartz?
(Springer Nature, 2023)The major raw material documented in the archeological sites of Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) is a geological material with crystalline appearance, white or colorless, foliated or seemingly massive only at the outcrop scale, ... -
Effect of discharge accumulation on wire breakage in WEDM process
(Springer Nature, 2023)In recent years, WEDM has been adopted in precision machining as an important alternative machining method because of its greater flexibility and lower wear cost compared with traditional machining, whereas wire breakage ...