Mechatronic Model Based Jerk Optimization in Servodrives with Compliant Load
EuCoMeS 2018. Mechanisms and Machine Science 59 : 45-52 (2019)
The aim of this work is to develop a mechatronic model for servodrives that move a compliant load, which is the case of large heavy machine tools. The model integrates the dynamics of the motor, transmission chain and compliant load as well as the dynamics of the control and is used to calculate the maximum overshoot in the load when it reaches the commanded final position as a function of the feed speed and the programmed jerk in the velocity profile. This overshoot must be, in applications as machining, always minimized. The result is a graph that indicates the region of safe values of jerk, where a given overshoot is never surpassed, but also there are several regions where much higher jerk values can be programmed with minimal overshoot. The location of these areas depending on the feed speed and the load natural frequency has been shown for a square sine profile. These optimal values of the jerk have been experimentally validated.