Now showing items 59-78 of 89

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      MATEDA: A suite of EDA programs in Matlab 

      Santana Hermida, Roberto ORCID; Echegoyen Arruti, Carlos; Mendiburu Alberro, Alexander; Bielza, Concha; Lozano Alonso, José Antonio; Larrañaga Múgica, Pedro; Armañanzas Arnedillo, Rubén; Shakya, Siddartha (2009)
      This paper describes MATEDA-2.0, a suite of programs in Matlab for estimation of distribution algorithms. The package allows the optimization of single and multi-objective problems with estimation of distribution algorithms ...
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      Metodología analítica para el control de calidad en ambientadores higiénicos basados en la cuantificación de sus componentes mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC/MS). 

      Bartolomé Moro, Luis Javier (2016-04-08)
      Increasingly, the quality control on production processes is becoming imperative in industry. This control includes the analysis of raw materials and their suppliers. In the hygiene products industry, this control is vital ...
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      El método de reducción en Teoría de la Computabilidad 

      Sánchez Ortega, Ana ORCID; Ibáñez Martínez-Conde, Jesús ORCID; Irastorza Goñi, María Aránzazu ORCID (2010)
      La Teoría de la Computabilidad es una disciplina encuadrada en la Informática Teórica que tiene como objetivo establecer los límites lógicos que presentan los sistemas informáticos a la hora de resolver problemas mediante ...
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      Mindfulness: guía práctica para educadores 

      González Santana, Alazne ORCID (2016-05-02)
      [ES] Esta guía está dirigida a docentes del ámbito de la educación tanto formal como no formal que se apunten a un curso de mindfulness para liberar su estrés, ansiedad… y poder llevar así una vida más sana. No obstante, ...
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      Mindfulness: guía práctica para educadores 

      González Santana, Alazne ORCID (2016-04-01)
      [ES]Esta guía está dirigida a docentes del ámbito de la educación tanto formal como no formal que se apunten a un curso de mindfulness para liberar su estrés, ansiedad… y poder llevar así una vida más sana. No obstante, ...
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      Monitoring language diversity and accessibility of streaming platforms in Europe 

      Aguirre Miguélez, Katixa; López Gómez, Antía María; Larrakoetxea Salgado, Naiara; Arias Badia, Blanca; Deogracias Horrillo, Marijo; Amezaga Albizu, Josu ORCID (Greens/EFA, 2023-12)
      Trabajo exhaustivo de monitoreo y análisis de la oferta lingüística en audio, subtítulos y audiodescripción de tres plataformas globales de SVOD (Netflix, Disney+ y Prime Video) en 17 países europeos. Informe presentado ...
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      Mujeres constructoras de paz 

      Oion Encina, Rakel ORCID (Mugarik Gabe, 2020-12-31)
      Final document of the reflection process "Mujeres constructoras de paz" hold by Mugarik Gabe in Euskalherria, between 2017, 1st December and 2020, 3rd December, with the participation of more than 25 women from international ...
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      Music-Theoretic Estimation of Chords and Keys from Audio 

      Rocher, Thomas; Hanna, Pierre; Robine, Matthias; Conklin, Darrell (2012)
      This paper proposes a new method for local key and chord estimation from audio signals. This method relies primarily on principles from music theory, and does not require any training on a corpus of labelled audio files. ...
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      Net Children Go Mobile. Riesgos y oportunidades en internet y uso de dispositivos móviles entre menores españoles (2010-2015) 

      Garmendia Larrañaga, Maialen Sorkunde ORCID; Jiménez Iglesias, Estefanía ORCID; Casado del Río, Miguel Ángel ORCID; Mascheroni, Giovanna ( / Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2016)
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      New methods for generating populations in Markov network based EDAs: Decimation strategies and model-based template recombination 

      Santana Hermida, Roberto ORCID; Mendiburu Alberro, Alexander; Lozano Alonso, José Antonio (2012-12-27)
      Methods for generating a new population are a fundamental component of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs). They serve to transfer the information contained in the probabilistic model to the new generated population. ...
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      Obtaining teaching expertise from F2F learning interactions 

      Ruiz, Samara; Urretavizcaya, Maite; Fernández de Castro, Isabel ORCID (2012)
      Learning environments are commonly used nowadays, but they exclude face-to-face interaction among teachers and students what is a successful basis of traditional education. On the other hand, in many cases teachers are ...
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      On demand translation for querying incompletely aligned datasets 

      Torre-Bastida, Ana I.; Bermúdez de Andrés, Jesús ORCID; Illarramendi Echave, María Aránzazu ORCID; González, Marta (2014-12-01)
      More and more users aim at taking advantage of the existing Linked Open Data environment to formulate a query over a dataset and to then try to process the same query over different datasets, one after another, in order ...
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      On the application of estimation of distribution algorithms to multi-marker tagging SNP selection 

      Santana Hermida, Roberto ORCID; Mendiburu Alberro, Alexander; Zaitlen, Noah; Eskin, Eleazar; Lozano Alonso, José Antonio (2009)
      This paper presents an algorithm for the automatic selection of a minimal subset of tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using an estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA). The EDA stochastically searches the ...
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      On the optimal usage of labelled examples in semi-supervised multi-class classification problems 

      Ortigosa Hernández, Jonathan; Inza Cano, Iñaki ORCID; Lozano Alonso, José Antonio (2015-04-23)
      In recent years, the performance of semi-supervised learning has been theoretically investigated. However, most of this theoretical development has focussed on binary classification problems. In this paper, we take it a ...
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      Ontologies for representation of folk song metadata 

      Goienetxea Urkizu, Izaro; Arrieta Urtizberea, Iñaki; Bagüés, Jon; Cuesta, Arantza; Leiñena, Pello; Conklin, Darrell (2012)
      The digital management of collections in museums, archives, libraries and galleries is an increasingly important part of cultural heritage studies. This paper describes a representation for folk song metadata, based on the ...
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      Optimización de una metodología de extracción de hidrocarburos cuticulares (CHCs) en mosca, Drosophila melanogaster. 

      Bartolomé Moro, Luis Javier (2017-05-01)
      Los hidrocarburos cuticulares son compuestos que previenen la desecación de los insectos y sirven simultaneamente como señales químicas en sus interacciones sociales. Los CHCs de la mosca Drosophila melanogaster han sido ...
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      Oracles for audio chord estimation 

      Rocher, Thomas; Conklin, Darrell (2012)
      This paper explores how audio chord estimation could improve if information about chord boundaries or beat onsets is revealed by an oracle. Chord estimation at the frame level is compared with three simulations, each using ...
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      Perpaus adberbialen agerpena, maiztasuna eta kokapena EPEC‐DEP corpusean 

      González Dios, Itziar ORCID; Aranzabe Urruzola, María Jesús ORCID; Díaz de Ilarraza Sánchez, Arantza ORCID (2015-02-26)
      In this report we present the results obtained analysing the use, frequency of use and the position of adverbial clauses. This analysis has been performed in the Basque Dependency Treebank (BDT). We also have used the ...
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      PIM-SM extension for Source-Specific Multicast through non multicast networks 

      Rivadeneyra Sicilia, José María ORCID (2015-10-08)
      Deployment of multicast in the open Internet is stagnated, mainly as a result of service provider policies and network limitations. To skip the lack of multicast connectivity between receivers and networks that carry traffic ...
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      Los programas While: bases para una teoría de la computabilidad 

      Ibáñez Martínez-Conde, Jesús ORCID; Irastorza Goñi, María Aránzazu ORCID; Sánchez Ortega, Ana ORCID (1996)
      La Teoría de la Computabilidad estudia los límites teóricos de los sistemas computacionales. Uno de sus objetivos centrales consiste en clasificar los problemas en computables e incomputables, donde llamamos computable a ...