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dc.contributor.authorManterola Agirrezabalaga, Elizabete ORCID
dc.identifier.citationmTm 3 : 58-79 (2011)es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] This paper offers a general overview of Basque literature in translation. Our main objective is to know what has been translated from Basque and in which way. The paper will present a detailed analysis of a catalogue of Basque literary works in translation. We will show which are the most translated books, the most representative authors or the main target languages. The paper will show the difficulties that a minority language such as Basque has to face when being translated into other major as well as minor languages. The analysis will show the dependency of a peripheric language on a hegemonic language and in which way this dependency is reflected in the translation process. On the one hand, we will show that self-translation is a common activity when translating into Spanish and, on the other hand, data from the catalogue will demonstrate that indirect translation is often needed when translating into other languages.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[ES] El principal objetivo del presente artículo será ofrecer una imagen general de la traducción de la literatura vasca a otras lenguas y analizar esta realidad desde diferentes puntos de vista. Para ello, en primer lugar trataremos de describir las características principales de la literatura vasca y después presentaremos el catálogo que hemos completado con las obras traducidas desde el euskera. El principal eje de este artículo será el análisis detallado del catálogo que nos ayudará a conocer las vías de exportación desde una lengua minoritaria como el euskera. En tercer lugar, mostraremos qué papel desempeña el castellano como principal lengua receptora y mediadora en la relación hacia otras lenguas, en qué medida se puede percibir la dependencia de una lengua minoritaria hacia una lengua central.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipEste artículo es parte de los trabajos que realiza el grupo de investigación Tralima (IT518-10) en la UPV/EHU con la ayuda del Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco
dc.titleLa traducción de literatura vasca a otras lenguases_ES
dc.rights.holderBy submitting manuscripts for publication, authors acknowledge that their article is not published anywhere else and assign their copyrights to ©Diavlos Publishing House. Authors retain many rights under the Diavlos rights policies, which can be found at Authors are also responsible for obtaining permission to use copyright material from other sources, where necessary. The content of the mTm Journal website can be accessed, downloaded and/or printed for personal non-commercial use. Authors may use their text elsewhere after publication provided that mTm Journal is acknowledged as the original source of publication. mTm Journal’s outputs are therefore licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license which allows re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the condition that the original source is appropriately credited.es_ES

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