Now showing items 21-40 of 10998

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      3D Printable and Biocompatible Iongels for Body Sensor Applications 

      Luque, Gisela C.; Picchio, Matías L.; Martins, Ana P. S.; Domínguez Alfaro, Antonio; Ramos Gómez, Nicolás; Del Agua López, Isabel; Marchiori, Bastien; Mecerreyes Molero, David; Minari, Roque Javier; Tomé, Liliana C. (Wiley, 2021-08)
      Soft-ionic materials with biocompatibility and 3D printability are needed to develop next-generation devices to interface between electronic and biological signals. Herein, thermoreversible and biocompatible ionic liquid ...
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      3D Printable Conducting and Biocompatible PEDOT-graft-PLA Copolymers by Direct Ink Writing 

      Domínguez Alfaro, Antonio; Gabirondo Amenabar, Elena; Alegret Ramón, Nuria; De León Almazán, Claudia María; Hernández Aguirresarobe, Roberto; Vallejo Illarramendi, Ainara ORCID; Prato, Maurizio; Mecerreyes Molero, David (Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2021-05-03)
      Tailor-made polymers are needed to fully exploit the possibilities of additive manufacturing, constructing complex and functional devices in areas such as bioelectronics. In this article, we show the synthesis of a conducting ...
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      3D printed alginate-cellulose nanofibers based patches for local curcumin administration 

      Olmos Juste, Raquel; Alonso Lerma, Borja; Pérez Jiménez, Raúl; Gabilondo López, Nagore; Eceiza Mendiguren, María Aranzazu (Elsevier, 2021-07)
      Alginate and nanocellulose are potential biomaterials to be employed as bioinks for three-dimensional (3D) printing. Alginate-cellulose nanofibers (A-CNF) formulations with CNF amounts up to 5 wt% were developed and ...
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      3D Printed Bioplastics with Shape-Memory Behavior Based on Native Bovine Serum Albumin 

      Sánchez Rexach, Eva Gloria; Smith, Patrick T. ORCID; Gómez López, Álvaro ORCID; Fernandez, Maxence ORCID; López Cortajarena, Aitziber ORCID; Sardon Muguruza, Haritz; Nelson, Alshakim ORCID (ACS, 2022-04-19)
      Bio-based plastics that can supplant petroleum-derived materials are necessary to meet the future demands of sustainability in the life cycle of plastic materials. While there are significant efforts to develop protein-based ...
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      3D Printed Chitosan-Pectin Hydrogels: From Rheological Characterization to Scaffold Development and Assessment 

      Zarandona Rodríguez, Iratxe ORCID; Bengoechea, Carlos; Álvarez Castillo, Estefanía; De la Caba Ciriza, María Coro ORCID; Guerrero, Antonio; Guerrero Manso, Pedro Manuel ORCID (MDPI, 2021-10-21)
      Chitosan-pectin hydrogels were prepared, and their rheological properties were assessed in order to select the best system to develop scaffolds by 3D printing. Hydrogels showed a weak gel behavior with shear thinning flow ...
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      3D Printed Dual-Porosity Scaffolds: The Combined Effect of Stiffness and Porosity in the Modulation of Macrophage Polarization 

      Camarero Espinosa, Sandra; Carlos Oliveira, Maria; Liu, Hong; Mano, Joao F.; Bouvy, Nicole; Moroni, Lorenzo (Wiley, 2022-01)
      Tissue regeneration evolves toward the biofabrication of sophisticated 3D scaffolds. However, the success of these will be contingent to their capability to integrate within the host. The control of the mechanical or ...
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      3D Printed Porous Polyamide Macrocapsule Combined with Alginate Microcapsules for Safer Cell-Based Therapies 

      Sáenz del Burgo Martínez, Laura ORCID; Ciriza Astrain, Jesús; Espona Noguera, Albert; Xavier, Illa; Cabruja Casas, Enric; Orive Arroyo, Gorka; Hernández Martín, Rosa María ORCID; Villa, Rosa; Pedraz Muñoz, José Luis ORCID; Álvarez, Mar (Nature Publishing Group, 2018-05-31)
      Cell microencapsulation is an attractive strategy for cell-based therapies that allows the implantation of genetically engineered cells and the continuous delivery of de novo produced therapeutic products. However, the ...
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      3D printing of customized all-starch tablets with combined release kinetics 

      González Munduate, Kizkitza ORCID; Larraza Arocena, Izaskun; Berra, Garazi; Eceiza Mendiguren, María Aranzazu; Gabilondo López, Nagore (Elsevier, 2022-06-25)
      [EN] Starch-based tablets with tailored releases were prepared by 3D printing using a hydrophobic drug. The importance of the origin of the excipient in the inks and tablets was analyzed. Besides, the effect of the geometry ...
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      3D Printing of Vinylogous Urethane-Based Methacrylic Covalent Adaptable Networks by Vat Photopolymerization 

      Ballester Bayarri, Laura; Pascal, Alodi; Ayestarán Uriarte, Jon; González Vives, Alba; Ballard, Nicholas; Aguirresarobe, Robert (ACS, 2024)
      Covalent adaptable networks (CANs) have the potential to combine the excellent mechanical properties of traditional thermoset materials with the reprocessability of traditional thermoplastics. However, the processing of ...
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      3D printing to enable the reuse of marine plastic waste with reduced environmental impacts 

      Cañado, Naiara; Lizundia Fernández, Erlantz ORCID; Akizu Gardoki, Ortzi; Mínguez Gabiña, Rikardo ORCID; Lekube, Blanca; Arrillaga, Alex; Iturrondobeitia Ellacuria, Maider (Wiley, 2022-12)
      Over the years, our oceans have witnessed an enormous accumulation of marine plastic waste resulting from ocean-related economic activities. As plastic pollution adversely affects marine wildlife and habitat, our society ...
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      3D quasi-skyrmions in thick cylindrical and dome-shape soft nanodots. 

      Berganza Eguiarte, Eider; Fernández Roldán, José Ángel; Jaafar, Miriam; Asenjo, Agustina; Gusliyenko, Kostyantyn; Chubykalo-Fesenko, O. (Nature Research, 2022-03)
      [EN] Magnetic skyrmions are widely attracting researchers due to fascinating physics and novel applications related to their non-trivial topology. Néel skyrmions have been extensively investigated in magnetic systems with ...
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      3D Scaffolds Based on Conductive Polymers for Biomedical Applications 

      Alegret Ramón, Nuria; Domínguez Alfaro, Antonio; Mecerreyes Molero, David (ACS Publications, 2019-01-14)
      3D scaffolds appear to be a cost-effective ultimate answer for biomedical applications, facilitating rapid results while providing an environment similar to in vivo tissue. These biomaterials offer large surface areas ...
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      3D supersymmetric nonlinear multiple D0-brane action and 4D counterpart of multiple M-wave system 

      Bandos, Igor; De Miguel Sarraga, Unai (Springer, 2022)
      [EN] Found is the complete nonlinear action of multiple D0-brane system (mD0) in three dimensional type II superspace which is invariant under rigid D = 3 N = 2 spacetime supersymmetry and under local worldline supersymmetry ...
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      3D-Printed Coaxial Hydrogel Patches with Mussel-Inspired Elements for Prolonged Release of Gemcitabine 

      Talebian, Sepehr; Shim, In Kyong; Foroughi, Javad; Orive Arroyo, Gorka; Vine, Kara L.; Kim, Song Cheol; Wallace, Gordon G. (MDPI, 2021-12-13)
      With the aim of fabricating drug-loaded implantable patches, a 3D printing technique was employed to produce novel coaxial hydrogel patches. The core-section of these patches contained a dopamine-modified methacrylated ...
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      3D-Printed Hybrid Collagen/GelMA Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering Applications 

      Nagaraj, Anushree; Etxabide Etxeberria, Alaitz; Naffa, Rafea; Zidan, Ghada; Seyfoddin, Ali (MDPI, 2022-10-25)
      Bioprinting is an emerging technology involved in the fabrication of three-dimensional tissue constructs for the repair and regeneration of various tissues and organs. Collagen, a natural protein found abundantly in the ...
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      3D-Printed Mucoadhesive Collagen Scaffolds as a Local Tetrahydrocurcumin Delivery System 

      Andonegui San Martín, Mireia ORCID; Carranza Fernandino, Teresa; Etxabide Etxeberria, Alaitz; De la Caba Ciriza, María Coro ORCID; Guerrero Manso, Pedro Manuel ORCID (MDPI, 2021-10-15)
      Native collagen doughs were processed using a syringe-based extrusion 3D printer to obtain collagen scaffolds. Before processing, the rheological properties of the doughs were analyzed to determine the optimal 3D printing ...
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      4,4′-Dicyano- versus 4,4′-Difluoro-BODIPYs in Chemoselective Postfunctionalization Reactions: Synthetic Advantages and Applications 

      Ventura, Juan; Uriel, Clara; Gómez López, Ana María; Avellanal Zaballa, Edurne; Bañuelos Prieto, Jorge ORCID; Rebollar, Esther ORCID; García Moreno, Inmaculada; López Pérez, José Cristóbal (American Chemical Society, 2023-04)
      The presence of F or CN substituents at boron in BODIPYs causes a dramatic effect on their reactivity, which allows their chemoselective postfunctionalization. Thus, whereas 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl B(CN)2-BODIPYs displayed ...
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      42CrMo4 steel flow behavior characterization for high temperature closed dies hot forging in automotive components applications 

      Bilbao, Olatz; Loizaga, Iñigo; Alonso, Jaime; Girot Mata, Franck Andrés ORCID; Torregaray Larruscain, Amaia ORCID (Elsevier, 2023-11)
      The application of new forming processes as the high temperature hot forging in closed dies in an industrial environment still requires further investigation due to the lack of flow stress data at these temperatures. To ...
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      4D Printed Shape Morphing Biocompatible Materials Based on Anisotropic Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles 

      Kuhnt, Tobias; Camarero Espinosa, Sandra; Ghahfarokhi, Milad Takhsha; Arreguín, Mariana; Cabassi, Riccardo; Albertini, Franca; Nieto, Daniel; Baker, Matthew B.; Moroni, Lorenzo (Wiley, 2022-12)
      Shape morphing materials, especially those fabricated by 4D printing, are gaining much attention due to their versatility of actuation and capability of being programmed in advance. These materials become particularly ...
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      4D Printing: The Development of Responsive Materials Using 3D-Printing Technology 

      Antezana, Pablo Edmundo; Municoy, Sofia; Ostapchuk, Gabriel; Catalano, Paolo Nicolás; Hardy, John G.; Evelson, Pablo Andrés; Orive Arroyo, Gorka; Desimone, Martin Federico (MDPI, 2023-12-07)
      Additive manufacturing, widely known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the production of biomaterials. While conventional 3D-printed structures are perceived as static, 4D printing introduces the ability to fabricate ...