Now showing items 1792-1811 of 10990

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      Cellulose as an Inert Scaffold in Plasmon-Assisted Photoregeneration of Cofactor Molecules 

      Tarnowicz Staniak, Nina; Vázquez Díaz, Silvia; Pavlov, Valery; Matczyszyn, Katarzyna; Grzelczak, Marek (American Chemical Society, 2020-04-29)
      Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit excellent light-harvesting properties in the visible spectral range, which makes them a convenient material for the conversion of light into useful chemical fuel. However, the need for using ...
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      Cellulose Nanocrystal and Water-Soluble Cellulose Derivative Based Electromechanical Bending Actuators 

      Correia, Daniela M.; Lizundia Fernández, Erlantz ORCID; Meira, Rafaela M.; Rincón Iglesias, Mikel; Lanceros Méndez, Senentxu (MDPI, 2020-05-15)
      This study reports a versatile method for the development of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) and water-soluble cellulose derivatives (methyl cellulose (MC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ...
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      Cellulose Nanocrystal Membranes as Excipients for Drug Delivery Systems 

      Barbosa, Ananda M.; Robles Barrios, José Eduardo; Ribeiro, Juliana S.; Lund, Rafael G.; Carreno, Neftali L.V.; Labidi Bouchrika, Jalel (MDPI, 2016-12-12)
      In this work, cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were obtained from flax fibers by an acid hydrolysis assisted by sonochemistry in order to reduce reaction times. The cavitation inducted during hydrolysis resulted in CNC with ...
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      Cellulose nanocrystals reinforced environmentally-friendly waterborne polyurethane nanocomposites 

      Santamaría Echart, Arantzazu; Ugarte Soraluce, Lorena; García Astrain, Clara; Arbelaiz Garmendia, Aitor; Corcuera Maeso, María Ángeles; Eceiza Mendiguren, María Aranzazu (Elsevier, 2016-10)
      Focusing on eco-friendly materials, cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) have gained attention as nanoreinforcement due to their exceptional properties conferred by the elevated length/diameter aspect ratio and high specific ...
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      Celtib. 'karuo gortika' "amicitiae favor", 'rita' "ofrecida", 'monima' "recuerdo" y los formularios de las inscripciones celtibéricas 

      De Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia ORCID (Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial / Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2000)
      [ES] La observación de las fórmulas contenidas en diferentes tipos de inscripciones celtibéricas nos permite precisar la interpretación de unos textos y términos: 1) nuevo corte para K.26.1, con la misma sintaxis que las ...
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      Cementitious materials as promising radiative coolers for solar cells 

      Cagnoni, Matteo; Tibaldi, Alberto; Sánchez Dolado, Jorge; Cappelluti, Federica (Cell Press, 2022-11)
      Nowadays, radiative coolers are extensively investigated for the thermal management of solar cells with the aim of improving their performance and lifetime. Current solutions rely on meta-materials with scarce elements or ...
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      Las Cenicientas del siglo XXI en euskera: un recorrido intermedial entre versiones ilustradas y una obra teatral 

      Elizalde Estenaga, Amaia ORCID; Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren (Universidad de Alicante, 2022)
      Cenicienta es un clásico con gran permeabilidad a influencias intertextuales e intermediales. Apuntaremos cuestiones sobre el versionado de obras en LIJ y sobre intermedialidad y revisaremos estudios en torno ...
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      Censo, tipología y puesta en valor de los cauces de gravas del Pirineo Central y su piedemonte meridional 

      Ollero, Alfredo; Acín, Vanesa; Granado, David; García, Jesús Horacio; Ibisate González de Matauco, Askoa ORCID (Universidad de Concepción, 2016)
      Se trata de la fase inicial de un proyecto que busca la puesta en valor de los ríos en gravas, muy amenazados y en claro proceso de desaparición, siendo al mismo tiempo de alto valor patrimonial. Se presenta el censo y ...
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      Central immune alterations in passive strategy following chronic defeat stress 

      Pérez Tejada, Joana; Arregi Agirre, Amaia; Azpiroz, Arantza; Beitia Oyarzabal, Garikotiz; Gómez Lázaro, Eneritz; Garmendia Rezola, Larraitz ORCID (Elsevier, 2015-11-10)
      The relationship between stress, mood disorders and immune disorders is known, but what remains to be resolved is why certain individuals are more susceptible than others to suffer different disorders, along with the ...
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      Centralized Airflow Control to Reduce Output Power Variation in a Complex OWC Ocean Energy Network 

      Mishra, Sunil Kumar; Appasani, Bhargav; Jha, Amitkumar Vidyakant; Garrido Hernández, Izaskun ORCID; Garrido Hernández, Aitor Josu ORCID (Wiley-Hindawi, 2020-08-18)
      A centralized airflow control scheme for a complex ocean energy network (OEN) is proposed in this paper to reduce the output power variation (OPV). The OEN is an integrated network of multiple oscillating water columns ...
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      CeO2 and La2O3 promoters in the steam reforming of polyolefinic waste plastic pyrolysis volatiles on Ni-based catalysts 

      Arregi Joaristi, Aitor; Abbas-Abadi, Mehrdad Seifali; López Zabalbeitia, Gartzen ORCID; Santamaría Moreno, Laura ORCID; Artetxe Uria, Maite; Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier; Olazar Aurrecoechea, Martin ORCID (American Chemical Society, 2020-11-09)
      [EN] Based on the promising results of La2O3 and CeO2 promoted Ni/Al2O3 catalysts in the reforming of biomass pyrolysis volatiles, the performance of these catalysts and the non-promoted one was 2 evaluated in the pyrolysis ...
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      Ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) induces macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 release: involvement in C1P-stimulated cell migration. 

      Arana Urbieta, Lide; Ordóñez Zaragoza, Marta; Ouro Villasante, Alberto; Rivera, Io-Guané; Gangoiti Muñecas, Patricia; Trueba Conde, Miguel Ángel; Gómez Muñoz, Antonio (American Physiological Society, 2013-06)
      The bioactive sphingolipid ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) is implicated in inflammatory responses, and was recently shown to promote cell migration. However, the mechanisms involved in these actions are poorly described. Using ...
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      Ceramide and ceramide 1-phosphate in health and disease 

      Arana Urbieta, Lide; Gangoiti Muñecas, Patricia; Ouro Villasante, Alberto; Trueba Conde, Miguel Ángel; Gómez Muñoz, Antonio (BioMed Central, 2010-02)
      Sphingolipids are essential components of cell membranes, and many of them regulate vital cell functions. In particular, ceramide plays crucial roles in cell signaling processes. Two major actions of ceramides are the ...
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      Ceramide Metabolism and Parkinson’s Disease—Therapeutic Targets 

      Custodia, Antía; Aramburu-Núñez, Marta; Correa-Paz, Clara; Posado-Fernández, Adrián; Gómez Larrauri, Ana; Castillo, José; Gómez Muñoz, Antonio; Sobrino, Tomás; Ouro Villasante, Alberto (MDPI, 2021-06-25)
      Ceramide is a bioactive sphingolipid involved in numerous cellular processes. In addition to being the precursor of complex sphingolipids, ceramides can act as second messengers, especially when they are generated at the ...
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      Ceramide-enriched membrane domains in red blood cells and the mechanism of sphingomyelinase-induced hot-cold haemolysis 

      Montes Burgos, Lidia Ruth ORCID; López Jiménez, David ORCID; Sot, Jesus ORCID; Bagatolli, Luis ORCID; Stonehouse, Martin J.; Vasil, Michael L.; Wu, Bill X.; Hannun, Yusuf A.; Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID; Alonso Izquierdo, Alicia ORCID (American Chemical Society, 2008-10-28)
      Hot-cold hemolysis is the phenomenon whereby red blood cells, preincubated at 37 °C in the presence of certain agents, undergo rapid hemolysis when transferred to 4 °C. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not understood. ...
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      Cerámica cardial en la Rioja Alavesa 

      Fernández Eraso, Javier María ORCID (Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad del País Vasco / Aintzinate-Zientzien Institutua, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 1988)
      [ES] Se trata de dar a conocer el descubrimiento de cerámica impresa de tipo cardial en la Rioja Alavesa. Tales hallazgos se han localizado durante las excavaciones que se están realizando en el Abrigo de Peña Larga en ...
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      Cerámicas culinarias en la comarca del Anoia (Barcelona): materias primas y procesos tecnológicos en época medieval 

      Travé Allepuz, Esther (Arkeogazte: Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores en Arqueología Prehistórica e Histórica, 2013)
      [ES] La cerámica reductora de cocina es uno de los hallazgos más habituales en los yacimientos medievales de todo el norte peninsular. A raíz de la caracterización química y petrográfica del alfar de Cabrera d’Anoia, en ...
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      Cerebral hemodynamics during graded Valsalva maneuvers 

      Perry, Blake G.; Cotter, James D.; Mejuto Hidalgo, Gaizka ORCID; Mündel, Toby; Lucas, Samuel J. E. (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2014-09-15)
      The Valsalva maneuver (VM) produces large and abrupt changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) that challenge cerebral blood flow and oxygenation. We examined the effect of VM intensity on middle cerebral artery blood velocity ...
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      Cerebrolysin Attenuates Exacerbation of Neuropathic Pain, Blood-spinal Cord Barrier Breakdown and Cord Pathology Following Chronic Intoxication of Engineered Ag, Cu or Al (50–60 nm) Nanoparticles 

      Sharma, Hari Shanker; Feng, Lianyuan; Chen, Lin; Huang, Hongyun; Tian, Z. Ryan; Nozari, Ala; Muresanu, Dafin F.; Lafuente Sánchez, José Vicente ORCID; Castillani, Rudy J.; Wiklund, Lars; Sharma, Aruna (Springer, 2023-01)
      Neuropathic pain is associated with abnormal sensations and/or pain induced by non-painful stimuli, i.e., allodynia causing burning or cold sensation, pinching of pins and needles like feeling, numbness, aching or itching. ...
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      El certamen desde la crítica de arte: la exposición-bisagra 

      Larrinaga Cuadra, Andere (2019-10)
      Se trata de un artículo que se incluye en un número monográfico del "Boletín" del Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao dedicado a la Exposición Internacional de Pintura y Escultura de Bilbao de 1919. El artículo aborda el ...